Friday, March 25, 2011

I am alive!!

Hey Everyone!!
I am just haven't been able to log on to my blog for some reason... so I have ALOT of catching up to do. I year's worth but I will only do from Jan to now..hahaha..and I'm going to sum it up with pictures...

Me open my Birthday gift from my parents...Yes I am wearing glasses now...and yes that is my kitty Abby. :)

(one from Christmas...:))

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Elliott Newsletter 2011

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to our family and friends,
Hope this finds you well! What a year.! We have had many changes, and felt as though it was the shortest year ever! So sit back and enjoy ….
Starting with the oldest and wisest ...Dad and Mom – suffering from empty nest syndrome, (said with a slight grin) they went out and bought a new truck (2004 Dodge 2500 diesel Cummins for those that care) yes its loud and Dad loves it, and a new (27ft) camper. Then they took off camping for several weeks this year! They met some great people along the way, (hi Tom, Melissa, Ashley, Emily, and Paul). Small side note Ted put a Kayak through the front of the camper. Alls well : )
Ted got to be “almost a judge” as Denver put it, on the Verona Town Court. Of course he was only the Forman. He still works at the Oneida Correctional Facility, its his 22nd year ! Mom continues to hold the farm together! If you wonder how in the world she fills her days I can tell you in a few words.. Denver’s school and farm animals!
Ashley- started the year by getting her own apartment (we don’t know why we still get all her mail ). . After driving the 93 suburban at almost $3.00 a gallon for gas, she was in need of a car and was given a Dodge Stratus (thanks Chris & Pat!!!)…. Thank you Bob for working on her car : )Then to finish the year off she got a new job working for our wonderful Chiropractor…..
Teddy and Angelie…. Celebrated their first anniversary! They still live in Oneida. Teddy is still a faithful farm hand, he has now been at the farm for 9 years! Angelie has enjoyed working as a medical transcriptionist at the Oneida hospital. They are also blessing our family with a new Elliott due in July!!
So lets see …. that makes Dad and Mom grandparents and everyone else great grandparents !!! Denver thinks being an uncle is the best thing ever : )
Autum…. Has had a wild ride this year! She worked with many wonderful people and formed true friendships. Autum’s summer was busy working with disabled children what a blessing to her and them.
After making sure the hay was done she took off to Kentucky to live with the Lindsey family! What an adventure getting there, 50ft outside the Buffalo thruway exit the car stopped running ! Yes right there in the 4 lane exit! As you can see we did make it out of that alive but it was scary, people are in such a hurry ! We had to find a car dolly and tow it the rest of the way to PA . We met the Lindseys in Ohio at the Creation Museum, then followed them to their school house/home.
She got to spend Thanksgiving in FL with Uncle Dan and cousin Bree and had a wonderful time!! She also got to go for a motorcycle ride thanks to Uncle Dan! Autum flew home for Christmas and a dear friends wedding.
Denver….Well he has grown by leaps and bounds this year! Being 11, now, he is growing into quite the young man! Soon he shall pass Mom in height and already has out grown her boots! Denver gets the benefits of traveling with mom and Dad on their camping trips and greatly enjoys it! He makes new friends wherever he goes! I know that is hard to believe as he is so shy…He bought himself a new bike to take on his camping trips so that it is easier to terrorize the whole campground! Denver and Freckles attended obedience class and graduated tops in their class ! Denver also got to volunteer at the summer camp with Autum and the kids, it was a great learning experience for all !!!!
Denver is still taking guitar lessons after a short break, (his guitar teacher got married and wanted a honeymoon) : ))

ON the Farm…The sad news (which we want out of the way first) is we had to put down our dear old dog Max . He was a great dog and I am not sure we will never have another like him….So knowing that was coming we got another Shepherd to help ease the transition…Rio is special in his own way, he is black and brown, and is afraid of his own shadow! But we love him anyway… he’s still just a baby at 90lbs. Freckles ( our Bassett Hound ) still rules..

With only 3 people in the house we decided to get rid of the chickens (just about broke Denvers heart) We still get farm fresh eggs and milk from local farmers.
We have 3 pigs, and 35 head of cattle, but we’ll be cutting back to about 20 in the spring. Lady and Lucy (the horses) still graze our pastures. This year Denver has become quite the cowboy! If we are looking for him most times we could find him out riding Lucy.

Special Blessings,

We had a nice family gathering at U. Dan’s new home on Oneida Lake , it was great to spend time with the great Aunts and cousins. (thanks everyone for making the trip up). Autum got to spend a lot of time visiting with Uncle Dan and Bree while they were up, as Mom and Dad were off camping!

Gramma Judie and her dear friend Nancy came in for A.Daris and Mark’s wedding, it was special weekend for all. Our dear friends the Lindseys parked for a week, always a joy to spend time with them.
If you’re in the state and need a place to sleep just let us know ,we are more than happy to let ya use the extra beds!

Wow! We can’t even tell you how the Lord blessed us on the 4th of July in 90 degree weather with a wonderful work crew to put 10 loads of hay in a 130 degree hay mow. Blessings upon you Mike, U. Tim, Nate, Andrew, Jason, Marianne. Without you all it would not have gotten done!

So yes, as you have gathered, the Elliott house has gotten quieter with all the older kids out and just Denver left at home! But not to worry cause we all are never more than a phone call away!(although it may take Autum 14 hours to get here) .

Hope you enjoyed this small glimpse into our year! Know your all in our prayers. May this be the year Jesus reigns in your heart.

Love to all,

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Tick tock...whats up?

Happy Spring!!
I must confess I really want to blog more, but for some reason I can't sign on at my apartment.
So the biggest question I get is hows it living by yourself...I love it!! I haven't gotten lonely or anything so busy I don't have time to get lonely. I do have to say that I am still learning to make sure I shut and lock my door...OR not to lock both sets of keys in the house. I did that this past Friday. I was really thankful I opened my windows so all I had to do was bust a screen and climb in. I called my mom and she said she has failed me in the "locking your house because its safe" area...hahaha...we have never done it. Even when we lived in Oneida. I am getting better, but I had to make a conscience effort to teach myself.
Let's see what else....My cat is in heat and is driving me crazy!! I need to get her fixed real soon...
I still play volleyball on Fridays for fun.
I started doing a companionship program with a young lady and we have started attending a Zumba class.(Latin Dancing/cardio workout) It is awesome!! We do that at the YMCA. We also volunteer at a Greenhouse and our local SPCA. It is fun and I am really enjoying it. I do that twice a week.
Hmmmm.....let see what else....I still work at the JD George and I am really enjoying it! Even with all the politics of it...Oh I know..I am seriously contemplating going to school this fall for Culinary Arts Managment.Will see...
Other then that..I am enjoying the nice weather and of course all my favorite flowers!!!! I am expecting one more snow will see what comes are way!!! : )

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

A Good Excuse....

Well, considering I am at the Library updating my blog...that should tell you something...Yes, the Internet at home still works. I have moved out...(AND ALL THE WORLD GASPS!!!) I have moved to a cute apartment 3 doors down from where I used to live. Kind of funny that I moved back to Oneida. We had a dear friend who was looking for someone to take care of this place. Considering that the lady that lived there died...creepy right??! Not really...So I now have a 1 bedroom apartment on Stone St. in Oneida. I am pretty excited and am slowly getting things unpacked! Its like Christmas all over again! It's lots of fun. : )
Oh I also realize I turned another year older since the last time I blogged. I am now 26. I know it doesn't seem that old but as the nurse at school informed me,"You are no longer in your mid-twenties. You my friend are in your late twenties." Way to cheer someone up! I don't mind; it was actually quite funny.
So that is all the exciting news I have for now. I will try to go home and upload some pictures for you...maybe...hahahha

Friday, January 8, 2010

listen to this!!

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Elliott Family Gathering...

On Christmas Day Autum, Denver and I went to Grandma and Grandpa Elliott’s house where we where challenged to play the WII. Aunt Darci, Aunt Jody, Grandma, Autum, Denver, and I set out to see who could be the fittest Wii person and who could be the best at bowling, tennis, and baseball….

My turn to bowl….
From Elliott Side Christmas

Grandma’s turn
From Elliott Side Christmas

Then on Saturday the entire Elliott clan congregated at Grandpa and Grandma’s to celebrate Christmas. We had a wonderful prime rib dinner and then enough dessert to last all year. SOOOO GOOOD!!!

From Elliott Side Christmas

Hanging out…
From Elliott Side Christmas

Waiting to start our Christmas present game…
From Elliott Side Christmas

Autum and Tanya
From Elliott Side Christmas

Aunt Becky, Tanya, Vinny, and Joe
From Elliott Side Christmas

Monday, December 28, 2009

Our Christmas...

Our Christmas at home was different this year; as it is every year. As you will see by the pictures. We opened our family gifts before Ted,Angelie, Grandma Colleen, A.Kellie, U.Ed, and Bob came over.
Then when Ted, Angelie, and Bob came over they opened their gifts….It was a good time…here are the pictures!
Morning shot! This is what I look like when I jump out of bed…
From Christmas at home

The tree and my kitty Abby
From Christmas at home

Dad setting up Mom’s new clock…before she came in.
From Christmas at home

Mom and her new coffee it!
From Christmas at home

Papa opening something…
From Christmas at home

Ted and Angelie…
From Christmas at home

My favorite thing of the day!!! Bob reading Fox in Socks!
From Christmas at home

Denver and his wonderful smile!
From Christmas at home